Snails are sold fresh (alive) during the whole year. The package system we use and how many kilos we put in each package is up to the customer. We mostly use a particular kind of net. The snails are 100% ready for cooking, as they have been subjected to the process of cleaning their digestive system in our farm. We aim primarily at food wholesalers all over the world, restaurants, taverns, hotels, super markets, grocery stores, butcher shops etc

Our company specializes in selling brood stock. We prepare and sell snails for the new snails-farmer that are mature enough to breed and give birth in order to begin the snails-farming business in solid foundations. The brood-stock that we will supply is in ideal age and condition, which means that they do not need further time to mature and have not given any births before. Our experience in the field of brood stock offers assurance and certainty to the end customer

In Kapasnails you can also find for sale snails younger in age, the so called offspring. By choosing to buy offspring, the farmer has the option to use them for fattening right away, aiming at reducing the overall production cycle, avoiding the processes of reproduction and birth. This way he/she can reach faster the time of sale.